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The Amiga Web Directory was a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group. The site was actively operated from May 16, 1994 to January 1, 2000. Thanks to all our members, friends and supporters throughout the years. Contact CUCUG by accessing our comment page.

"The Amiga Web Directory", the Amiga Web Directory logo, "Agnes" and the Agnes character are service marks of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group, Inc. CUCUG assumes no responsibility for the content associated with the links shown and does not necessarily endorse any of these information providers or their products. All of the textual descriptions associated with the links in our database as well as the collection of links are property of CUCUG. Copying or unauthorized mirroring of this material is prohibited. Please see our privacy statement for information about how we use the information we collect from this site. Please also refer to our list of other disclaimers. The Amiga Web Directory logo was created by Matias Larsson.

The Amiga Web Directory
Amiga News Archives

1995 - Amiga News Stories from 1995 - This is our listing of older news stories starting with coverage of the Commodore auction/sale in April.

1996 - Amiga News Stories from 1996 - The new year began with the announcement that a new company named VIScorp would license Amiga technology and ended with news that QuikPak had made a bid for the assets of Amiga.

1997 - Amiga News Stories from 1997 - The biggest news of 1997 was that giant PC maker Gateway 2000 had purchased all rights to the Amiga in March. Many other stories followed and there was much going on in the Amiga community!

1998 - Amiga News Stories from 1998 - Amiga Inc. made a number of big announcements in 1998 and other Amiga vendors scrambled trying to keep their businesses alive during this transition period.

1999 - Amiga News Stories from 1999 - Gateway made many promises to bring out the next generation Amiga but it all fell apart and all we got was an update to the classic AmigaDos.

1992-1997 - Old Amiga Reviews - Our restored archive of old Amiga reviews from Usenet. Back by popular demand.

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